November 10, 2022

Jack Delosa

Jack Delosa is the founder of Australia’s largest business coaching and training provider, The Entourage, which has a community of over 550,000 members. Since 2010, The Entourage has helped their members add over $2 billion in value to their businesses. Under his leadership, The Entourage has been awarded the 4th Best Place to Work in Australia, and the Top 50 in Australasia, by Best Places To Work. Prior to The Entourage, Jack co-founded MBE Group, which helped small to medium sized businesses raise money from investors. MBE enabled their clients to raise over $300m from investors and would go on to become one of Australia’s fastest growing companies.

Along the way, Jack became an investor, investing into companies spanning biotechnology, luxury real estate, finance, ecommerce, food retail, recruitment and even aviation, including one company that became what’s known in Silicon Valley as a ‘unicorn’; a business that goes from $0 to $1 billion within ten years. In recognition of being one of the country’s top entrepreneurs and investors, Jack has been listed in the AFR Young Rich List five times.

As an entrepreneur, you build your team, the team builds the business

How do you go from technician to business owner?

I must always have a best next step, something that turns idea into implementation, something that makes implementation fun

Where does the butterfly need to flap its wings (the tiny things/decisions) that will make the greatest transformation into our life/business?

You don’t fall out of love with your business, only with the stage your business is at.

There is an exchange between you and your business. You give to it, it can give back to you.