December 8, 2022

Kerwin Rae

Repeat this mantra: “This is simple, this is easy, this is fun”

Money is feedback. Heal your relationship to money: Have a conversation with money : put cash on the table and speak to it.

Don’t be needy: whatever you need in life will control you.

Don’t be busy, be outcome focused, don’t start something without finishing the previous thing first.

Your work is your bond, your bond is your truth, and your truth is your power.

Growth will come from your discomfort zone.

When we align with people’s values, we delivery value.

On Marketing and Social Media

Social media is a different context than business: it is social – You don’t SELL at social events (it’s not a networking event).

-> meaningful conversations
-> talk about their problems and how to solve the problems
=> do not distribute direct marketing content, distribute utility content, content that is helpful
Building rapport first, building a relationship, in order to manage to have 20 exposures without creating aversion
Pure helpful content, no call-to-action, no sales pitch, nothing

Advise, support, solve problems.

What to say? What to share?
=> What do you LOVE? What are you interested in?
You don’t need to be an expert. Talk about what you are obsessed with.
Who is your audience and what do you want to talk to them about?
Talk about life. Your audience can relate.

The PILLAR Strategy
A pillar is a piece of content that serves as a source for other content
> Write a beautiful eBook and break it down in micro-content (articles)
> Then use those articles as scripts for videos
> Then take photos and quotes from those videos (There is no call-to-action in the videos, but whoever watches the video can then be retargeted, like 20 times, with webinar, free lead, etc…) (People who view your video are 1.8 times more likely to buy)

Nail it & Scale it example:
META – 30 to 60 min (podcast format)
83 thousands views
MACRO – 3 – 5 min (The LEAD MAGNET is the MACRO content)
24 million views
MICRO – 30s – 2mn | Quote / Picture

A cheat sheet can be more valuable than an eBook, the Cheat Sheet delivers Value to the Values of my target clients, it builds a relationship by solving their problems

Visual content is 40 times more likely to get shared!