November 17, 2022

Petar Lackovic

Petar Lackovic is a highly sought after international speaker, coach and business adviser, who specialises in implementing successful strategies that produce consistent world class results. He is also the CEO of leading entrepreneur education facility, The Entourage.

Founder of the The Sales Institute, CONVERT Club™ & The Reverse Selling Method™Principle Growth Expert at The Entourage, Former General Manager at National Sales Academy, Impact Training Corporation.

Better having 10 people who love you than 10000 people who like you.

99% of entrepreneurs wait too long to build an audience. You should be building a following before you launch your product.
Create an attraction model.

An irresistible offer is an offer that is free or low cost that delivers high value
People don’t care about price they care about ROI

You only pay in two ways in life: time or money

3 mistakes of sales:

Sales process doesn’t match marketing process. The sales process needs to match the marketing reach! Or else you meet customer resistance

Sales process doesn’t align with customer buying process. Do not sell your product, sell yourself and focus on your customer, and lead him from touch point to touch point.

Present your solution too early. People don’t care what you sell, they care how you make them feel when they buy the product/service.